Sheffield Football Club
The World’s First Football Club – Sheffield Football Club is an English football club from Sheffield, South Yorkshire. They currently compete in the Northern Premier League Division One East. Founded in October 1857 the club is recognised by FIFA as the oldest existing club still playing football in the world.
Energy Saving
One of the key requirements for the new lighting project for Sheffield FC was to save energy. The existing setup consisted of 24 x 2KW Metal Halide lamps using on average 48KW per hour to light. With an annual usage of c250 hours the approximate annual cost was in the region of £6000.00
The switch to Lumosa luminaires reduced the number of lights to 12 and delivered a cost saving of c31KW per hour and an approximate annual saving of c£3900.00
Overall the LED conversion has reduced the club’s energy consumption by more than 60%

Another requirement was increased control of the lighting system to allow for training and walking football which needed lower lighting levels but still have the capacity to deliver 200 x LUX for match days. The installation of the LumosaTouch drivers and app provides the club with this control at all times helping them to only use the energy they need when they need it.

What else does LumosaTouch have up its sleeve?

Lighting plans

Linking systems

Insight into consumption