Quality Control

If you ask us how we do things, we say: now. The momentum is there. We want to make maximum use of it, but only with mature products. Well thought out and proven. No rushed first-to-market strategy for us. If we launch something and put Lumosa on it, it works perfectly.

Quality & innovation

In addition to safety, quality & service are always paramount. That's why we have an energetic Quality Control (QC) team to keep everything running smoothly. What's more, we have all the expertise in house to actually make a difference. With specialists in mechanics, electronics and software, we make everything ourselves, from A to Z.

Lumosa Ledlight Sportlight About Us 16

Dutch Design

Founder Henk Maas has traditionally had good connections with the Far East. These relationships developed during his time working for Philips. While there are generally negative associations with Chinese products, we at Lumosa know that the opposite is true. In fact, the quality of products from China is many times better than that of products from any other place in the world. So time to let go of this prejudice. We Europeans can also learn a lot from China in the area of Supply Chain. That's why we love working with the Chinese and are delighted with our own production team that we have set up there. We first conceive, produce, and extensively test the design ourselves. We develop here, we produce there. And then we put our products back on the market from Dutch soil. So each Lumosa product is truly Dutch Design, but with a Chinese twist!

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Quality Protocol

Every product created starts with a proof of concept prototype, and then moves on to the development phase. We decide on the material and check for software, mechanics as well as electronics. Next, we include aspects such as lifetime and functionalities. Every quality aspect involved is extensively tested to ultimately put a perfect final product on the market.
The Quality Control department goes for ongoing reliability, or: continuous quality and quality control. That means the final step in our quality protocol is maintenance & innovation. After all, a product is never finished. This is also where customised quality and personalisation come in. We respond to the needs of the market, increase the ease of use time after time, and, as a result, increase the functionality of the product. Continuously.